Ice cream Social

Last Friday June 5 was our Ice Cream Social. We had so much fun the were all types of games and fun cool thing you could win. There were so many kids and teacher there even the teachers took there kids to come play here. everyone had a BLAST!!!!! Here are the thing the kids loved the most. The Cake Walk and The Bounce House. {Here's a picture of one that looked closed to ours.} Everyone had fun the was ice cream,pizza, lemonade, water, and all different types of fruit. there were also balls so the students could play kickball and basketball. The most fun game for me was the water balloon challenge. were you had to throw the balloon to your partner and go a part if you didn't drop. If you drop it, it will pop and when it pops get ready to be wet.
5th grade concert
the 5th grade concert was a concert when the 5th grade played there instrument at the concert the instrument like cello, violin, trumpet and bass all of the instrument were played like orchestra went first then band went last. All the songs that was played was Hot cross buns, Burnt cross buns, Mary had a little lamb, D major scale. Band songs Power rock, Hot cross buns Lightly row. and other songs.
Spirit Week
For the Fun Run student council decided to do another spirit week. For monday we will do pins day, tuesday bandana day, wednesday is hawaiian day, thursday is beads day, and friday is Fun Run. Response from a student Ethan Marin 5th grade. "The Fun Run was great. It was good exercise. Close to the end I walk because I got a cramp and i walk but it was fun. We got water bottles an speedometers. it was a great day."
Votes for cutout people
Three of the life size cutout people from each class were voted on to go to the Traverwood library.
Ali, Crispin and Sarah won in Mrs. J's class.
Ali, Crispin and Sarah won in Mrs. J's class.
Woven Winds Last Visit
On April 27,2015 Woven Wind came an had their last visit of 2014-2015 school year. All students participated in reviewing the parts of the wind turbine from many months ago. The 5th grade teachers put kids in 4 different groups. They reviewed about the Shaft,Blades,Gears,energy, and the Structure of the turbine. in the 2015-2016 school year they will have the wind turbine put up on the roof after the construction is over. A new addition to the turbine is it will power water in 55 gallon jugs and it will be used for watering plants. Thanks to leo witch brought 1 55 gallon jug to have water for the class room to water the plants. This water will not be suitable for a2 steam 5th grade students to drink out of. Woven Wind made a structure to put the 2 55 gallon water jugs. The turbine will also be used to power 5th Grade classrooms. As they closed off for the school year with the turbine they said "over the summer they will start to build the turbine".

This week students are decorating doors and giving gifts to teachers. We are do this to show how much that the teachers at STEAM mean to us. After school kids are staying to decorate doors and making presents. They are taping chocolates to the door. Depending on what the teacher like they decorated the door to their style. Certain day of the week has deferent themes one day is were you bring home made pies in for the teachers.

Project Lead the Way (PLTW) is a program that runs through schools. As 5th graders, we use the program as a robotics class. We build robots, parts of robots, and robotic cars. We are currently building robot chassis (robotic cars). Project Lead the Way runs through all grades and gets harder each year. We have been doing this since the beginning of the year and 5th graders are excited to get back to it.
For more information go check out the PLTW website.
For information on the specific grade level standards, check out this document.
For more information go check out the PLTW website.
For information on the specific grade level standards, check out this document.
welcome to the expo!
Welcome to the Expo! This is our second Expo, with all new topics to see and talk about! The fifth-grade will be doing Native american artifacts, giant stand-up 3-D people, such as Phillis Wheatley, Ben Franklin, Abigail Adams, George Washington, and more, all from the Revolutionary war. And other things like our writing projects, some students made websites, some made books, and stand-up projects with the 13 colonies. Some will be dressing up as native americans, women, colonists, slaves, indentured servants and loyalists to the english crown. There will also be a Jamestown display board.
spring AT STEAM
Spring is one of the most important and fun seasons. One reason is because we celebrate holidays like St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Arbor Day, and Cinco de Mayo among others. Another reason we love spring is because warm weather means more recess outside!!!!!!
March Is Reading Month!
This year's March is Reading Month theme is "Reveal the Mascot." If A-2 STEAM reaches 300,000 minutes the new mascot will be revealed.
Tuesday, March 2 is Dr. Seuss's birthday and to celebrate that we are supposed to read a book by Dr. Seuss.
Friday, March 6 is Who-ville Hair Day! You can style your hair a wacky Seuss way.
Friday, March 13 is school spirit day, so dress in school colors.
Tuesday, March 17 is St. Patrick's Day so wear green and read a limerick.
Friday, March 20 dress like a rock star because it is Reading Rocks Day.
Friday, March 27 wear a t-shirt with words on it.
The school-wide goals are:
Week 1: 48,000min
Week 2: 84,000min
Week 3: 84,000min
Week 4: 84,000min
Tuesday, March 2 is Dr. Seuss's birthday and to celebrate that we are supposed to read a book by Dr. Seuss.
Friday, March 6 is Who-ville Hair Day! You can style your hair a wacky Seuss way.
Friday, March 13 is school spirit day, so dress in school colors.
Tuesday, March 17 is St. Patrick's Day so wear green and read a limerick.
Friday, March 20 dress like a rock star because it is Reading Rocks Day.
Friday, March 27 wear a t-shirt with words on it.
The school-wide goals are:
Week 1: 48,000min
Week 2: 84,000min
Week 3: 84,000min
Week 4: 84,000min
box top winner
mrs.moore's class
Over the first and second semester we had a box top contest. On March 2,2015 A2 STEAM announced that Mrs.Moore's class had won the box top contest that went with a gathering of some sort. A box top gives 10 cents to our school. Our 5th grade team is very happy for our cousin's the s'moores for winning the box top contest.
The last visit of Woven Wind was on February 27th , 2015 , they taught us what substances can connect wires to make a lightbulb light up . In the end, about half of the items could make it. The ones that made were a lemon and Gatorade. Later that month, we had a mini expo for our front hilltop playscape. After the mini expo, there was a meeting where the architects and some of the Woven Wind members were compromising about where the wind turbine should be, using a map of the school that had dotted lines to add depth. The turbine's placement had to meet standards, and they were: it had to be visible from Mrs. J's room, and it has to have at least 20 feet in every direction, just in case it fell over.
Mid-winter break
At STEAM, we used mid-winter break to read books, write, research science projects and other productive things. We spent time traveling with our friends and family, and we were able to relax, and work at the same time. In summary, It was a very productive break.
Meanwhile, while the students are away the construction workers have made many strides. This break they have placed huge support beams for the second floor addition. The workers also put roof beams for the additional kindergarten and 2nd grade classrooms. Since the workers have located most of their equipment right outside our classroom it's really awesome to watch the workers drive their big heavy backhoes and fork lifts. But along with the improvements comes loud noises and a condensed playground.
Meanwhile, while the students are away the construction workers have made many strides. This break they have placed huge support beams for the second floor addition. The workers also put roof beams for the additional kindergarten and 2nd grade classrooms. Since the workers have located most of their equipment right outside our classroom it's really awesome to watch the workers drive their big heavy backhoes and fork lifts. But along with the improvements comes loud noises and a condensed playground.
Winter Survival
Here at STEAM we took winter survival a bit differently than other schools. We engineered our own fire starters and we built our own fires. We used matches and flint and steel, we were also able to bring food and make delicious meals. At STEAM we persevere through tough times, so when we had trouble building our fires we were persistent and we persevered. We cleaned up all of our trash, and we all succeeded at cooking our meals and lighting our fires.
We stared a project called the First People artifacts. we all have worked hard at home. And now they are displayed in the showcase. We also had to print them cause some of them were too big and put them up in the hallway. For everybody to see.
Welcome to the Expo!

Welcome to A2 STEAM's first ever official expo! The entire school worked extremely hard on this event and we welcome you to enjoy it. An expo is an event only done at STEAM and STEM schools and it displays all the projects that the entire school has made during the span of a trimester.
William Kamkwamba
Below are pictures of when William Kamkwamba came to visit STEAM. The fifth grade classes worked with the Woven Wind team from UofM to learn about and build a wind turbine. William came to share some of his experiences with using wind power. William is the author of the book, The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind. He has been featured as a speaker for TED Talks about wind energy.
Punkin Chunkin

We built a large trebuchet. Since Mr. Vince is a carpenter, he came up with instructions on how to build a large trebuchet. The Mrs. Hough, Mr. Bruder, Dr. J and our fifth grade teachers helped us build it. After we built it, we tried it for a couple of days with small projectiles. Then we did trial and error tests with pegs. Finally, on Halloween Day, we launched 12 pumpkins (4 each class). The class broke up into a launch group and an observation group. The pumpkins flew about 40 feet. It was such a blast to see the pumpkins fly!
The grade is making large wooden trebuchets to shoot pumpkins out of (punkin chunkin) so far Mrs. Johengen's class has completed the base and both of the "A" frames and is working on the arm. The base is shaped like a ladder and the "A" frame is shaped like an "A". The base is used to hold up the trebuchet and the "A" frame holds up the arm the arm is used to hold the sling and the counterweight the sling holds a projectile (in this case a pumpkin) and the counter weight pulls down on the arm so the projectile flies across a field. We will launch the pumpkins on friday (halloween).
New School

We have new teachers, new leaders, and a new principal. We're able to do many interesting things, work on fascinating projects, and most of all, learn.
We interviewed some students in Mrs. Johengen's class about how they feel about A2 steam. Georgia said: "There's nothing I can change about Steam! I love it ." Josiah's feelings were that: This year is turning out to be great! Lior said: "This is a great school because we get Ipads! I would change nothing! "And last but not least Aidan said: "A few more playmates. " Everybody's thoughts about A2 Steam were very positive.
We interviewed some students in Mrs. Johengen's class about how they feel about A2 steam. Georgia said: "There's nothing I can change about Steam! I love it ." Josiah's feelings were that: This year is turning out to be great! Lior said: "This is a great school because we get Ipads! I would change nothing! "And last but not least Aidan said: "A few more playmates. " Everybody's thoughts about A2 Steam were very positive.